Integrated Marketing

Want to get some outside help with building a strong marketing plan for 2017? Today’s startups and other companies are looking closely at how to chart the course for marketing...

SnapApp’s new Campaign Confidence Gap Report reports challenges with traditional B2B marketing campaigns, particularly with how bullish marketers feel about using non-integrated techniques. In fact the study found that 82%...

Forget what the experts say, press releases still matter As we move into 2017 one thing that’s for sure is someone, somewhere will announce that the press release is dead....

Integrating Facebook ads into your marketing mix Thinking of Facebook as a silo can lead to failure. In other words, assuming that all advertising messages, calls-to-action and follow-up activities need...

As most of you know, I do a lot of work with PRSA, the world’s largest organization of communications professionals. Recently they asked me for some thoughts on integrated marketing...

How do you really measure integrated marketing? It’s an incredibly challenging aspect of integrated marketing for many different reasons. While multi-channel marketing campaigns typically measure the performance of each channel...

Hands-free technology promises to change mobile marketing as more and more consumers rapidly come to rely on their mobile devices for everything from booking a table at their favorite restaurant...

Last week I was fortunate to attend and speak at PRSA’s International Conference 2016 in Indianapolis. There are so many marketing hacks that as integrators, we use to shorten up...

Influencer marketing has occupied the minds of many digital marketers over the past couple of years. It seems like many people are doing it and even more authors are writing...