If you want your marketing plan to be a success, the customer experience must be central to the campaign. When you put customer experience above all other factors, you can significantly improve the efficacy of any marketing campaign.
Here are three different aspects to focus on when it comes to improving your customer’s experience:
1. Strong online and in person user experiences
UX or the “user experience” is of huge importance in helping a customer search, find and purchase not only items they’re looking for but others that they discover as an impulse buy.
Factors to consider in your UX design should include testing interaction and engagement with specific pages and post to see what draws the best response. There should also be a well-structured wireframe to help with navigation, as well as multiple opportunities to ask for help and assistance. Chat boxes can help ensure that buying momentum is not lost.
UX is not only important online. Remember, the User experience is anything your customer “goes through” as they make a purchase. That means paying attention to your business location, the service they receive and other subtle factors like the environment or ambiance inside. Stores can be built with a particular flow in mind to help customers “find” the most popular brands. Internal digital signage may notify a customer of specials offers, coupons and other ways to save money and push inventory.
Even less traditionally commercial businesses like healthcare are engaging patients through print graphics designed to improve their customers’ experience while they are waiting to be seen. Patient engagement through visuals like waiting room monitors demonstrates that real-world UX is not only relevant but critical to retain a competitive edge.
2. Relevant, Interesting Content
Another way the customer experience is critical for a successful marketing plan is of course content. People are unlikely to engage with things that they find irrelevant. Know your audience, and learn what content will capture your target demographic, as well as which platform on which it will be best received.
Platforms like YouTube may appeal most to a younger demographic, but preferences can be channel dependent. Don’t assume because of someone’s age they’ll “prefer” a certain platform.
3. Powerful Engagement
Lastly, customer experience is vital to your marketing campaign because it requires engagement to be successful. Marketing, of course, is not a one-way activity but much more interactive. Engagement is critical in fostering brand intimacy and loyalty
Plan your marketing campaign genuinely centered on the customer. A strong experience backed by good, relevant content increases the potential for them to engage, interact and eventually, buy.
One Response
Thanks for sharing your knowledge Bonnie. Also, I feel that personalization is an important factor to create engaging marketing content. I myself noticed an increase in conversions in my cold emails once I started sending more customized mails with SellitPics. Can you suggest some other personalisation apps for marketing?