What Kind of Marketer Are You?

What kind of marketer are you? Integrated marketing can be approached from many different angles. If you’re a public relations person, you’ll probably anchor your IMC plan from earned media and content marketing. Digital marketers may start with keywords and landing pages. Knowing your home style can help initiate an integrated campaign from the place you know the best, and that can be really important starting out.

From brand maven to digital master, social media aficionado to die-hard communicator, there are many types of marketers out there. This  makes sense, given how many methods of marketing are available to us in this era.

I’ve put together a quick personality quiz to determine which type of marketer you are. In a few questions, you’ll see your marketing strengths and consider which areas may challenge you, too. (Note: the quiz software we use requires getting an email. Don’t worry we won’t share it anywhere!) 

[interact-quiz id=”588bb0917860ed0011b54a62″]

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